Apply by April 1 for Summer 2019 Graduate Research Assistantships

The Columbia Center for Spatial Research is seeking applications for one or more Graduate Research Assistants for the summer of 2019. The Graduate Research Assistants will work on ongoing CSR-led research projects on conflict urbanism, and spatial inequality.
Current ongoing work includes a project on the concept of Homophily; a project related to personal uses for census data; a project related to sensor networks and decentralized protocols; and a web publication of case studies related to "infrapolitics." Students will assist in realizing the diverse outcomes of these projects, which will include online interactive publications, a prototype app, and an exhibition in the Chicago Architecture Biennial.
The positions will require a maximum of 20 hours per week, and will be compensated according to University standards.
Background/Skills: CSR GRAs must be self-motivated, organized, able to work individually and in groups. Fluency in design software, demonstrated writing skills, and an interest in further developing skills in the critical use of computational tools in studying the built environment are required. Fluency with additional computational tools (including but not limited to GIS, Python, D3, Javascript, SQL) is a plus. Continuing students in the M. Arch, M.S. CCCP, M.S. UP, M.S. HP, and all PhD programs are eligible to apply.
To Apply: Please submit a resume, cover letter, and work sample here. Please indicate your availability through the summer, commitments to other work if applicable. Please explain your interest in working with CSR, and why you would be well suited to the position. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2019 (10am).
Eligibility: Continuing GSAPP students in the M.Arch, M.S. CCCP, M.S. UP, M.S. HP, and all Ph.D. programs are eligible to apply.